SpotlightThe Great Outdoors

Celebrate World Wetlands With A Week Of Activities

To celebrate World Wetlands Day (Sunday, Feb. 2, 2025), Little River Wetlands Project announces “World Wetlands Day Trivia Night” at Hope River Brewing Company and a series of activities hosted by our conservation partners. Join us for a fun night of wetland trivia and prizes. Join our partner’s activities to celebrate even more!

World Wetlands Day Trivia Night details:

  • Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2025
  • Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
  • Location: Hop River Brewing Company 1515 N Harrison Street Fort Wayne, Indiana 46808
  • Admission: $5 per person
  • Tickets:

Partner Activities:

  • Feb. 2nd, 11 am – 12:30 pm” World Wetlands Day Hike” Celebrate on the trails with ACRES Land Trust led by their Stewardship crew. Walk through a variety of wetland habitats and learn about these unique systems. Lloyd W. Bender Memorial Forest: 1891 N River Rd W, Albion, IN 46701
  • Feb. 2nd, 2 -3 pm “Wetlands in Winter” Wetlands matter even in the winter – learn about the ecologic value of wetlands to wildlife in the cold months. Then, weather permitting, join us for a short walk to one of the wetland habitats on campus. Warm up with free soup and hot cocoa. Registration appreciated. Environmental Resources Center: 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, FW, IN 46805
  • Feb. 3rd, 1 -4 pm “Wetlands at Work” Come out to Camp Scott Wetlands for an opportunity to see working wetlands in the wintertime. Learn more about it at Camp Scott Wetlands Nature Preserve: 3700 Oxford St, FW, IN 46806
  • Feb. 3rd, 6-7:30 pm “Wetlands Drum Circle” There is so much rhythm in nature, including wetlands! Frogs and toads calling, birds vocalizing. Come learn about some of the animals that live in wetlands through rhythm. *Admission is $3 per person; children under age 7 are FREE. Vera Dulin Wildlife Observation Building @ Fox Island: 7324 Yohne Rd, FW, IN 46809
  • Feb. 4th, 1:30-3 pm “Walking the League” Take a tour and explore the Huntington Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America and see the real-time effects cities/towns have on wetlands while enjoying hot chocolate. Izaak Walton League Huntington: 470 Hauenstein Rd, Huntington, IN 46750

Little River Wetlands Project (LRWP) is a land trust that protects more than 1,300 acres of wetlands in the Little River watershed. Our mission is to restore and protect wetlands in the historic watershed of the Little River, a major tributary of the Wabash River, and to provide educational opportunities that encourage good stewardship of wetlands and other natural ecosystems.

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