The Great Outdoors


(No kiddin’!)

I’ve often wondered about this and finally I got up enough nerve to start some research on cookin’ a Woods Pussy, Pole Cat, Stripe Kitty, or whatever you nickname the pungent little black and white critters. There was a recipe on the Internet and I copied it and filed it under:


2 skunks (gut and skin)
1 tbsp. salt
Water to cover
2 cups bear fat or lard
2 egg yolks (beaten)
3 cups milk (or cream)
1 and 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. baking powder

Prepare this recipe by the numbers:
1.Clean and wash the skunks, making sure the scent glands are removed.
2.Cut up into small serving pieces.
3.Put a soup kettle on the stove and add the tablespoon of salt and the meat.
4.Cover with cold water and bring to a boil over high heat.
5.Lower the heat and boil until the meat is tender, about 40 minutes.
6.Remove all the scum that rises to the surface.
7.Make a batter by mixing together the egg yolks, milk, flour, salt, and baking powder.
8.Mix until the batter is about the consistency of cake batter.
9.Heat the bear fat or lard in a deep fryer to about 360 degrees.
10.Dip the pieces of skunk in the batter and then fry them in the deep fryer until golden brown.
11.Drain well and serve.
12.Eat, enjoy, and let me know how it was, ’cause I ain’t a gonna try it.
The article also said that you could substitute raccoon, ‘possum, groundhog, squirrel, or rabbit for the skunk; now these, I might try – but not the ‘possum. I wonder if I could use Canola oil. I checked my cupboards and I found that I’m out of bear fat AND lard . . .? I’m assumin’ thet cooked skunk tastes jus like chicken but I’ll be a willin’ ta take your word fer it. I also think that you might wanna use lots of garlic!
(My apologies for usin’ some fractured English but it only seemed fittin’ whut bein’ frum tha South ‘un all.)

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Ray McCune

He has lived in Waynedale for over 45 years. He has taken to his lifelong dream of being a full time Outdoor Freelance Writer and author. Ray has authored one book and has written Kampfire Kookin' as well as other outdoors articles for the newspaper. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer