ITA’s Annual Education Conference: Voice Of The Township
The Indiana Township Association held their annual education conference to bring the latest information on township government to representatives of several hundred townships from across the state. The conference consisted of seminars from motivational speakers on Building a Community Legacy to technical overviews from Indiana’s State Board of Accounts; the conference brought us all up to date on the latest issues affecting the local government level considered to be closest to the people – townships.

The conference came at a particularly good time for the Wayne Township – Allen County Trustee Office as two of our staff members recently advanced in their positions: Lagena Hamilton was promoted this month to Director of Case Management, and Breanna Tolbert moved up from Case Manager to Team Leader of Case Management. Both women were present at the three-day conference and attended such sessions as FSSA’s (Indiana Family and Social Services Administration) Pathways for Aging, 211 (formerly known as First Call for Help) and other agencies that townships work with. In other words, the sessions covered not only how to be the best at helping people with township assistance but also how to connect people with the many other resources that are out there at the state, federal and local level to help those who are in need.
Trustee Austin Knox, Deputy Trustee Dominique Dickey, and Director of Communications SuzAnne Runge attended several sessions on administering township government, working with township board members, cyber security and “Intersecting Units of Government.” All in all, the 2024 ITA Conference, which was entitled “Building a Legacy,” was full of useful information which will make our office run more efficiently and effectively, all to better serve the citizens of Wayne Township.
Finally, we wish to congratulate Breanna Tolbert, not just on her recent promotion but on being named September’s Employee of the Month. Breanna has stepped up and taken on double duties during a period of temporary staff shortages and done so with grace and efficiency. Thank you, Breanna, along with the rest of the WTTO staff for your hard work and dedication to the people of the township.
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