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Calling All Waynedale Businesses

After the successful Waynedale Shamrock Search, where over 1,000 shamrocks were found, the community is gearing up for the fifth annual SHOP Waynedale event. From July 8 to July 20, this two-week event will invite residents to explore local businesses, collecting stamps in their Gamebooks without any purchase necessary.

Businesses can participate for free by offering discounts, giveaways, or BOGO deals. For name recognition only, there’s a $125 fee. Space is limited and the deadline to commit is June 14. Participating businesses will benefit from extensive advertising and an influx of new customers. “We get them in your door, but it’s up to you to entice them to buy,” said Camille Garrison, Event Committee Chair.

Participants will turn in their completed Passports for a chance to win prizes. Additionally, a Scavenger Hunt with clues throughout the area will offer extra excitement and prizes.

“We hope this event will continue to create excitement and support local retailers,” added Garrison.

For more information or to register, contact: Camille Garrison, Event Committee Chair at (260) 206-3583 or ShopWaynedale@gmail.com

Join in and help make the fifth annual SHOP Waynedale a resounding success!

The Waynedale News Staff

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