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Scholarship winners left to right: Tyleah Nelson, Andrea Dumont, Trustee Austin Knox, Annabelle Pantoja and Tydale Nelson.

At the July board meeting the Wayne Township Trustee Office held its ninth annual scholarship award ceremony. Trustee Austin Knox recognized four students, one high school graduate and three younger students, who qualified for the awards.

Tydale Nelson received the $500 Richard A. Stevenson Sr Scholarship. After being referred to a job shadowing stint with Votaw Electric by a Wayne High School counselor, Tydale so impressed his mentors there that he was asked to return after graduation to enter their apprenticeship program. He wrote in his essay, “I was strongly encouraged by a few of the employees at Votaw to join their team, in part, because of the lack of African-Americans that actually desire this type of career path. Therefore, I believe that pursuing such a career will open doors for other young black men, like myself, to step out of the box into other career choices. I am excited to learn a trade that will always be in demand. After becoming a certified electrician with experience under my belt, I will work at starting my own electrical business.”

Three students from younger grade levels earned internet-ready Amazon Fire tablets for winning the Academic Encouragement Award:

Andrea Dumont—grade 2
Andrea wrote in her personal essay: “I’m a great student who gets all A plusses on my report card. I love school and my friends and my family. I deserve this because I like to go to school and learn every day. If I had this at home I could learn every day at home with my mommy. I love her. She does her best to help my brother and me learn. This will help me learn to read and count over the summer months.

Anabelle Pantoja—grade 3
In the recommendation letter from her teacher: “Anabelle is very deserving of the Academic Encouragement Award. Each day she walks into my classroom with a smile on her face and a positive attitude. As a result of her motivation and dedication Anabelle has grown two grade levels in her reading. To achieve this result, a student would need to put in extra effort and time both inside the classroom and at home which Anabelle has done this entire school year.”
In her personal essay Annabelle wrote, “This is the most honorable thing that could ever happen.”

Tyleah Nelson—grade 10
Tyleah wrote in her personal essay, “I currently have a 4.02 GPA as a sophomore. I have goals that I want to make, and this award will help me do so. One of my main goals is to become a Nurse Practitioner after graduation. Also I intend to pursue my current business idea of creating a center for teens while still in high school.”

And from her teacher, “Other students seek Tyleah out because she is gifted in explaining concepts and expectations. She is an excellent student and advocate for herself and her team.”

Once again we would like to congratulate our scholarship winners and thank the many donors, including board members and staff, who made these awards possible. No taxpayer dollars are used for these prizes, so we rely on the generosity of our donors. Thank you, and keep up the good work, students!

Wayne Township Trustee - Austin Knox

Wayne Township Trustee - Austin Knox

Trustee Austin Knox is a Fort Wayne native who, on January 10, 2020, was unanimously elected trustee at a caucus of Democratic precinct committee leaders of Wayne Township. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer