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Mount Calvary Finds New Home

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church’s relocation is complete, having moved from 1819 Reservation Drive to 6721 Old Trail Road, space previously occupied by the BMV. After a very difficult decision-making process, the church sold its facility to The Smith Academy for Excellence and found this as its new church home, determined to continue. The congregation has taken out a lease on the building, which is serving as its new home base where worship is being held, and the church office is set up.

As members are settling in, they are reviewing their mission and establishing a plan for its ministry that will focus on serving the community, beginning in the neighborhood. Members are grateful to God for His leading them to this new venture and site for ministry. They are excited to reach out into the community in new ways.

The congregation has been in Waynedale for almost 100 years and is happy to remain a part of the community.

Anyone and everyone is invited to Sunday 9.30 a.m. worship, and to stop by and get acquainted. A grand opening and dedication of the facility is being planned for the near future. It will be advertised and will be celebrated as a great step forward in the congregation’s history and renewal.

Pastor Karl A. Frincke is presently serving as its Pastor, along with Deaconess Jeana Moe.

The Waynedale News Staff

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