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Local Effort Aims To Place Wreaths For Every Veteran

Local Wreaths Across America volunteers are working hard to ensure that all veterans laid to rest in Oak Grove Cemetery are honored this December as part of National Wreaths Across America Day – Saturday, December 14th, noon. This new local location for Wreaths Across America will be held at Oak Grove Cemetery, 3801 Sleepy Hollow Lane, Fort Wayne, IN 46804.

The ceremony will include a Color Guard Presentation, Taps and Rifle Volleys. Boy Scout Troop 349 will present the colors. Bugler Tom Schmitt, dressed in Civil War uniform will conclude the ceremony with three rifle volleys followed by taps played on the bugle. Taps are a critical part of military funerals and memorial ceremonies and is played as a final respect to those who have served.

A similar event is also planned to be held on December 14, at noon at Lindenwood Cemetery, 2324 W Main St. Fort Wayne, IN 46808.

The Wreaths Across America Ceremony coincides with the annual wreath-laying ceremony held at Arlington National Cemetery begun by Marine businessperson Morrill Worcester in 1992. More than 4,200 participating locations will be placing over 3 million live balsam fir wreaths for interned veterans.

Remember their sacrifice, honor their service, and teach the next generation about the value of freedom. For more information, to donate or to sign up to volunteer, please visit Oak Grove Cemetery: WreathsAcrossAmerica.org/IN0205P and Lindenwood Cemetery: wreathsacrossamerica.org/pages/16055

Cemetery Friends of Allen County IN is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is the restoration of Oak Grove Cemetery. This historic cemetery was founded in 1841, and is located at 3801 Sleepy Hollow Lane, Fort Wayne, IN. For more information contact Cemetery Friends of Allen County IN: cemeteryfriends ofallencountyin@gmail.com

Wreaths Across America is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to continue and expand the annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery begun by Marine businessman Morrill Worcester in 1992. The organization’s yearlong mission – Remember, Honor, Teach – is carried out in part each year by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies in December at Arlington, as well as at thousands of veterans’ ceremonies and other locations in all 50 states and beyond.

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