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Increase In Clients Seeking Assistance

Over the past month, the demand for Wellspring Interfaith Social Services’ food bank has surged to unprecedented levels. Wellspring is now serving 250 families per week, a significant increase from last year’s 135. Some of these families are turning to a food bank for the first time.

Wellspring and other local food banks rely on the support of our community. We need help in the form of food donations, volunteer work, and financial contributions to continue meeting our community’s needs.

“We want to help everyone who enters our doors asking for help, but how long will we be able to do that without additional resources?” Wellspring staff says.

Since its inception over five decades ago, Wellspring has been committed to supporting the fundamental needs of children and families, especially for those with the greatest need. Our mission is lived out daily – “People of faith serving the social, physical, and educational needs of the community in Allen County.”

For more information on Wellspring and how to support its community efforts, please visit wellspringinterfaith.org or call 260-422-6618 ext. 112.

The Waynedale News Staff

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