Upcoming: Inclusive Trunk Or Treat

Turnstone Center invites individuals of all ages and abilities to its Inclusive Trick or Treat event on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, from 6:00-8:00 PM in the Plassman Athletic Center. This annual event has a new twist this year—moving indoors to ensure a weather-friendly experience.
In celebration of Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) Month, Turnstone will provide every trick-or-treat table with a variety of AAC tools so all participants, regardless of their communication abilities, can join in on the traditional “Trick-or-Treat” fun. AAC encompasses a range of tools and methods designed to support or replace speech for those with language impairments, from simple picture exchanges to advanced speech-generating devices. By incorporating these systems at every table, Turnstone continues to foster an inclusive environment, ensuring everyone can experience the festivities.
“Turnstone’s Inclusive Trick or Treat event reflects our priority of creating experiences where every child, regardless of ability, can fully participate in the community,” said Megan Russ, Speech Language Pathologist at Turnstone. “By offering AAC tools at each table, we’re ensuring that no one is left out of the fun—every voice matters, and every child deserves the opportunity to feel included in this childhood tradition.”
Trick or Treat at Turnstone offers something for everyone. The festive atmosphere will be filled with decorated tables, candy, and alternative treats for children and families seeking a fun, accessible Halloween experience. A variety of edible and non-edible treats will be available, ensuring that dietary restrictions do not prevent anyone from enjoying the event.
Turnstone encourages volunteers to get involved by decorating tables and distributing treats to guests. Donations of candy and other child-friendly items are also welcome and greatly appreciated. Those interested in volunteering or donating can reach out to Turnstone at 260-483-2100 or visit Turnstone.org/Volunteer for more details.
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