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Fun in the streets returns for the third annual Open Streets Fort Wayne. The free, fun-filled day, closes Calhoun Street to vehicle traffic and brings the community together to walk, bike, skate and play in the street. Parkview Health is the presenting sponsor of this year’s Open Streets Fort Wayne on Sunday, July 14, 2019, from 11 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

“Open Streets is becoming a popular summer tradition in Fort Wayne that offers residents, neighborhoods and visitors unique opportunities to enjoy our community,” said Mayor Henry. “As a point of destination city, we’re committed to providing quality of life amenities that make our City attractive and a place where people and businesses want to be. Events like Open Streets highlight how Fort Wayne is experiencing positive momentum and excitement like never before.”

This year’s Open Streets Fort Wayne directly connects the neighborhoods of West Central, East Central, LaRez, Hoagland Masterson, Historic Williams Woodland, Fairfield and Williams Park with the Central Business District on Calhoun Street. The route is 22 blocks stretching from Superior Street to Pontiac Street.

“While you can use your skateboard, roller skates or blades, or even walk, we are encouraging people to bring their bike and ride the entire route of Open Streets this year,” said Amy Hartzog, Program Manager for Open Streets Fort Wayne. “Last year, it was great to see an increase in bicycle use both from individuals and families. This year, there is added incentive to bring your bike, as we begin the first annual bike parade.”

Residents of all ages are encouraged to decorate and join in the fun for the Open Streets Bike Parade. Multiple awards will be presented to children, adults, businesses and organizations for best theme, use of color, originality, and design. Attendees may visit openstreetsfw.org for decorating ideas and some of our partners will help with decorating on the day of the event.

Fort Wayne’s Open Streets is a unique way to get some exercise, socialize with new and old friends, visit the businesses on historic Calhoun and enjoy the 100 free activities along the route including live music, golf, roller derby, soccer, pickleball, giant-sized board games, Pokémon Go, dancing, baseball, basketball, bubble machines, and much more. Additionally, the route offers access to the Three Rivers Festival Art in the Park and Chalk Walk. Visit openstreetsfw.org for activity hub updates and all the latest information.

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