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The holiday season is a special time of year in which many feel the need to give back and remember the less fortunate. This year leading up to the holidays, the Waynedale Community Improvement Team and the Southeast Waynedale Neighborhood Association partnered together to raise funds and collect gift certificates from local businesses to bring Christmas cheer and supplies to homeless veteran men and women in the area. With the help of 9 community members and the generosity of 21 businesses, they were able collect enough items to fill a total of 78 bags with daily essentials and for men and women. The bags were distributed at Liberty Landing and Safe Haven.

The leader of this initiative is a well-known community activist and volunteer, Beulah Matczak. “We want to thank the people who generously donated, thank the veterans and wish them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We will always remember the sacrifices they made for us.” Beulah Matczak

This time of year can be a tough time for those in need and this partnered effort is a wonderful example of how giving back helps to unify the community. Waynedale has always shown great support from the community and holds a special place in their hearts for veterans.

The Waynedale News Staff

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