Not everything about Halloween is scary! Join the fun at Owl-oween to discover the natural side of Halloween as you meet live owls and hawks, learn about where animals sleep and make crafts to take home. Guests will also get treats at each station along the way and enjoy refreshments before heading home. On Friday, State Rep. Dave Ober, will assist with releasing a Red-Tailed Hawk thanks to the efforts of Soarin’ Hawk Raptor Rehabilitators.
Owl-oween is a family-friendly event to experience at your own pace. Each family is provided with a map and encouraged to spend as much time as you’d like at each station. Children are invited to attend in costume and flashlights are highly recommended to help light your way.
“We wanted to provide a fun Halloween event for kids of all ages and sneak in some education as well,” said Dave Fox, GSP Site Manager. “This has become one of our best attended events at GSP and we love to see families return year after year to experience the new and different stations and activities.”
Admission is $3 per person and includes all treats, snacks and craft activities. Guests may arrive any time between 5:30 and 8:30 to explore the site. Cabin tours are not included during this event. For directions to the Gene Stratton-Porter State Historic Site or for more information, please contact 260-854-3790 or visit www.indianamuseum.org and click on the Historic Sites link.
The GSP Site is located five miles west of Kendallville on U.S. Highway 6 and three miles north on Indiana 9. Find us on Facebook (Gene Stratton-Porter State Historic Site) or follow us on Twitter @GStrattonPorter.
This event is brought to you in part by The Dekko Foundation.
The Gene Stratton-Porter State Historic Site is located in Rome City, Indiana just 45 minutes northwest of Fort Wayne. Part of the Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites Corporation, the Cabin at Wildflower Woods, nestled on the shore of Sylvan Lake, was the home of Indiana’s most widely-read female author Gene Stratton-Porter. Tour the Cabin and explore the beautiful grounds to discover how nature inspired her work. For more information, call 260.854.3790 or visit indianamuseum.org/stratton-porter.
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