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Josephina Sessions was born on October 12, 2007 to Jeremy and Sandra Sessions. Josephina has been diagnosed with DiGeorge Syndrome, a birth defect that is caused by an abnormality in the development of chromasome 22, which affects the baby’s immune system as well as other physical defects.

On October 18, just 1 week old, Josephina underwent a critical heart surgery to repair an interrupted aortic arch in her heart. She is currently being treated at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Indianapolis. Josie has at least 2 more surgeries to undergo and multiple follow-up appointments with many doctors and specialists.

Your contributions would be greatly appreciated and will be used to help Jeremy and Sandra with medical expenses, travel expenses, hotel, food, etc. that are associated with their many trips to and from Indianapolis to be with their daughter.

If you wish to make a large donation CHASE Bank has an account set up especially for Josie. Cash can be taken to any CHASE bank location. There is one located on Lower Huntington Road in Waynedale. Just tell the teller that you want to make a deposit in the Benefit Account for Josephina Sessions. Or make your check payable to: CHASE BANK IN BENEFIT OF JOSEPHINA SESSIONS.

A benefit dinner for Josephina will be held on Saturday, February 23, 2008 from Noon – 6pm at Fellowship Missionary Church on Tillman Avenue in Fort Wayne. Cost will be $7 per adult and $3.50 for children 4-12 (children 3 and under are free).

The Waynedale News Staff

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