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THE PIANO KEY PART 3Part three of three

She registered for the audition and the whole family went to hear her play. She chose the concerto that she loved so much. She was somewhat nervous but her fingers seemed to glide over the keyboard. The judges made their decisions and it was unanimous. Heidi had won the competition. She was to play in Pittsburgh in Heinz Hall in just a couple months.

The time went by so fast. Heidi wanted to do her best. Each time she pressed the special key, it played just about the whole melody but there were still a few notes left to go. The family got ready to hear Heidi play the concerto in Heinz Hall. The concert was spectacular. Heidi appeared in a beautiful blue velvet gown that was floor length. She acknowledged the audience and seated herself at the piano. The orchestra began with a signal from Heidi that she was ready. She played the best she had ever played. The audience went wild with “bravos.” Heidi bowed very warmly and accepted the applause. She and her family went out to celebrate after the concert.

What a night! When she got home she just took the time to go over to the piano and play the key one more time. She looked at the piano and couldn’t find the extra note. Where did it go? She tried several other keys but no luck. It made her sad to think that the key wasn’t there anymore. That key had inspired her to learn the Tschaikowsky piano concerto she just performed. Then out of her sadness came a bright idea. The melody noted became more numerous the better she played. Then there was the orchestra in addition to the piano. It occurred to her that as she improved, more music would come when she played the extra key. “So that’s it,” she thought, “I don’t need to hear the melody again since I have mastered the concerto!”

As Heidi went on to become a famous and accomplished pianist, she never forgot the special key on her piano that had inspired her to greatness.

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Hal Vizino

A resident of Winterset Neighborhood Association, he is excellent artist & story teller. Hal author's a children's column in the newspaper. He became interested in writing children's stories and dedicating them to his four granddaughters. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer