Join In A Bilingual Phenology Hike At Eagle Marsh
What are the chances we’ll find a green dragon on our hike? This leafy green plant with a long, noodly spadix is closely related to Jack-in-the-pulpit. It occurs in the same habitats but is less common and easily overlooked.
What: Mugs on the Marsh phenology* hike in both English and Spanish followed by a stop at Hempton Roast Coffee.
When: Saturday, June 10, 10:30-noon (the 2nd Saturday of each month)
Where: Eagle Marsh East. (Park at Little River Wetlands Project offices, 5000 Smith Road, Fort Wayne.) Hempton Coffee Roasters is located at 5215 Engle Road.
Join the Indiana Native Plant Society on the 2nd Saturday each month for a phenology hike followed by a visit to Hempton Roast Coffee. These hikes are FREE and will be led by knowledgeable volunteers from the Northeast Chapter of the Indiana Native Plant Society and Little River Wetlands Project. We’ll meet at 10:30am in front of the LRWP offices, and then head out to hike. The hike will end at Hempton Coffee Roasters between 11:30am and noon, where we can visit and enjoy fresh roast coffee for $1/cup.
The June hike will be led by Esteban Coria, president of INPS (North chapter), who will provide commentary about what we see in both English and Spanish. Make sure to wear rubber boots, because we may hike through wet areas.
You’ll want to arrive early to find parking and use the restrooms. Please dress for the weather. Binoculars are always good to bring, too. Hope to see you there!
*What the heck is phenology? It’s defined as the study of phenomena or happenings. It’s applied to the recording and study of the dates of recurrent natural events (such as the flowering of a plant or the first or last appearance of a migrant bird) in relation to seasonal climatic changes.
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