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The long-awaited weather siren has now been installed and is currently sitting 65 feet above the Waynedale landscape. On June 22 at the Southwest Fire District’s Station #1 (7001 Old Trail Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46809), Federal Signal Corp., the general contractor for the project attached the siren to a wooden pole and lifted it into place with the help of a crane.

The siren is not yet operational, as it will require programming and further testing, but it is planned to sound on its first regular test day with the rest of the county’s sirens on Wednesday, August 2. The regular test day for the siren going forward will be the first Wednesday of each month at noon, in good weather only. If the weather is inclement, the siren will not sound its test.

Outside of the regularly scheduled monthly test, the siren will sound in the event of a tornado warning. The Waynedale siren’s manufacturer, states that it will be heard about 1 mile outdoors, but that weather, trees, buildings and other factors may impact audible range. If you hear the weather siren, it is recommended that you seek shelter first and then seek additional information second.

Weather radios can also be helpful with alerting residents of inclement weather, “Weather radios are designed for indoor use and if working properly, can provide 24-hour coverage; especially at night after you’ve turned off your television and radio. Remember, this is an outdoor emergency warning siren,” Bernie Beier, Director of Homeland Security of Allen County commented.

The Waynedale weather siren is a project initiated by The Waynedale Business Chamber, which collected over 1,700 petition signatures and raised over $5,000 to go towards the $25,983 siren; including donations by Waynedale Lions Club, GMI Insurance and Glosson Food Equipment. This project was driven by volunteers of the Chamber’s ‘Weather Siren Committee’, which consists of Jordan Cornwell (Chamber President & Waynedale News – Sales), Alex Cornwell (Waynedale News – Publisher) and Loren K. Allison (Attorney). The remaining cost was split between The City of Fort Wayne and Allen County. Allen County Department of Homeland Security facilitated the project and will maintain the siren in the future.

“This would not have been possible without the community partnerships and the leadership of the Southwest Fire District. They offered the use of their property, they completed the electrical connections at their expense, they will pay the monthly electric bill, and they will be our contact for the monthly test and ongoing maintenance when needed. The Southwest Fire District has a long and storied history serving Waynedale residents, just like the businesses who stepped-up to help fund this siren.” Mr. Beier continued, “The Waynedale area is strong because of this purposeful dedication and pride in your community. Now through its strong partnerships – everyone will be a little safer too.”

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