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Lydia Heastan, better known as “Miss Lydia” by her students and former students, has been teaching three, four, and five year old children for 30 years at the Waynedale United Methodist Pre-School.

Many families have benefited from her God given talents. She is now having the opportunity to work with children of children that she taught several years ago. In good humor, she reminds the parents that they got their start to success under her guided direction.

Miss Lydia excels in her ability to introduce new, exciting and creative experiences for the children. She has always given 100% of herself in order to make learning fun for them. Her love for children is evident in the classroom. Parents also benefit from her experiences as she shares ideas and suggestions to help them with parenting skills.

Because of her dedication, enthusiasm, organizational ability, motivation, sensitivity and her desire to instill Christian values in the lives of young children, Miss Lydia is one of the best!

Sometimes the children think she lives at pre-school. They have asked, “Where do you sleep, Miss Lydia?” Truly, this should come as no surprise, The Waynedale Methodist Church has been her second home all of these years and we hope it will continue to be for many more.

She is helping shape the future of young children through her ministry. If you see Miss Lydia in the classroom or out and about Waynedale, be sure to thank her. She deserves to know she is appreciated.

The Waynedale News Staff

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