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Radio Group Stations Provided 25 Families With Holiday Assistance

Adams Radio Group Ft. Wayne teamed up with several local companies to bring over $10,000 in assistance to families that needed some Christmas cheer in Ft. Wayne and the surrounding area with “Letters to Santa”.

In 2023, Randy Alomar and country station US93.3 (WBTU) started Letters to Santa here in Ft. Wayne, and the 2024 program was expanded to include all of Adams Radio Group’s Fort Wayne stations.

Starting at the end of November, listeners were invited to visit Adams radio stations’ websites and nominate a family that could use some help putting gifts under the tree. 25 families were selected from over 500 nominations received, and delivery of new, wrapped presents began In December.

JJ Fabini, Adams Radio Group operations manager said, “This has been a humbling and heart-warming experience for everyone here at Adams. Reading the letters, selecting the recipients, and delivering the presents was an honor and a privilege, and we are already looking forward to helping even more families next year. I want to thank our sponsors, Auto Credit USA, Buy Right Auto Sales, Young’s Greenhouse and Florist, and Zeigler Subaru of Ft. Wayne for helping bring Christmas to these local families.”

After hearing the program on-air, Village Tap made a $5,000 donation in the memory of Mayor Tom Henry, which was dispersed among the families in the form of grocery store gift cards.

Adams Radio Group is a medium to small market radio group focused on local radio operations and creating great marketing opportunities in the local communities. We are heavily involved in the communities we serve and are dedicated to the growth and success of the communities and clients we serve. Our employees are well-seasoned radio professionals that know how to work with local communities and businesses.

Adams Radio Group Ft. Wayne Websites: US933FM.com, HOT1079FORTWAYNE.com, 963XKE.com, B969FM.com, LOUD1033.com, and 1039WAYNEFM.com.

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