Health & Exercise

New Call Line Helps Veterans

Health Administration announced the launch of the One Indiana Call Line, a new patient advocacy resource for Indiana Veterans, Veteran services organizations, and congressional offices.

The new call line provides Hoosier Veterans, enrolled in one of four Veteran Integrated Services Networks (VISN), with a one-stop point of advocacy to help with their concerns, get them connected to resources and facilitate resolution.

When Indiana Veterans have questions or concerns and aren’t sure who to call, they can call 1-844-IND-VETS (1-844-463-8387) to reach a One Indiana Call Line advocate who can help.

While the One Indiana Call Line can help with patient advocacy needs, it cannot manage medical issues, appointments, benefits, or crises. Veterans with medical questions or appointment needs can contact their local clinics patient care teams by phone or through My HealtheVet secure messaging ( or VA Health Connect (

Veterans who are experiencing a crisis should contact the Veterans Crisis Line at 988, then press 1.

Congressional teams seeking to identify the VISN that serves any of their constituents may also use One Indiana Call Line for assistance. Depending on where they live, Veterans in Indiana are enrolled in VISN 9, 10,12, or 15.

Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center, a Level 1A, tertiary care facility (VISN 10), is the Veteran Health Indiana (VHI) flagship providing comprehensive health care to more than 63,000 Veterans in Indianapolis and at 13 outpatient clinics throughout central Indiana.

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