Fox Island Alliance Announces Volunteers Of The Year

The Fox Island Alliance annual meeting of members was held at Fox Island County Park on Saturday, April 15, 2023. The recognition of two recipients of the Judy Esterline Volunteer of the Year Award was announced during this meeting. Board President, Terri Habig, presented Dan Preest this award for his continued work as the Conservation Committee Chairperson and as a member of the Executive Committee, filling the role as Secretary. Dan has closely supported Fox Island County Park with recovery efforts and as an essential member of the land management team. He has also submitted articles to the Fox Tale newsletter to keep members informed regarding progress within the park. Sarah Maloy is also a Board Member and was presented this award in recognition of her contributions as Exhibit Chairperson, working to redevelop and refresh several informational and educational displays. She also spearheaded the development of a nature camp last summer and has written articles for the organization’s newsletter featuring both exhibit upgrades and camp highlights. Sarah also took the lead as the Website Development Chairperson, working closely with both the Board of Directors and a website developer to manage all details that were required of this massive project. Her leadership in this role allowed FIA to announce a new website that projects a renewed vision and reflects the functions of the 21st century. Most recently, she was elected as the Volunteer Coordinator and has stepped up to reorganize the volunteer database and streamline volunteer functions. Both Dan and Sarah have tirelessly continued to support the Park before, during and after the derecho event. The organization is grateful for volunteers that continue to carry out the mission of Fox Island Alliance every day.
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