The Great Outdoors


Last week we got in our annual truckload of Scotts fertilizer. In my 45 years in the business, there hasn’t been a year go by that this wasn’t our go-to, top of the line, lawn fertilizer product for our customers. But over the last few years there has been a number of organic options available that have been getting quite popular. Following is info on 4 different kinds of lawn fertilizer that I think you should consider.

Milorganite Brand Slow-Release Nitrogen Lawn Fertilizer
Slow-release nitrogen fertilizer, 6-4-0. Non-burning, rich in iron, slow-release nutrients. Composed of heat dried microbes that have digested the organic matter in wastewater. No need to water in. Non-toxic, safe for children and pets when used as directed. Contains no added pesticides or herbicides.

Jonathan Green MAG-I-CAL Lawn Fertilizer
Soil food featuring concentrated soluble calcium, humates, and an organic acid in a quick release formula. Contains 35% of a highly-soluble form of calcium, which is readily available for plant uptake or pH adjustment. Low pH causes moss, bare spots and weeds to grow in the lawn. Reduces stress and improves soil texture to aid in water uptake. Releases trapped nutrients in the soil. Concentrated formula. Easy-to-spread pellets. Can be used throughout the whole yard and is ideal for vegetable gardens. Safe to use where children and pets play. Application rates vary according to soil pH levels.

Jonathan Green Love Your Soil Organic Lawn & Soil Food
Organic soil food. Unique blend of plant extracts, vitamins, carbon, humates, and L amino acid matrix proteins. Feeds the microbes in the soil that feed the lawn to create a biologically healthy soil. Enhances lawn grass growth, ideal for use when seeding. Makes lawn grass drought and disease tolerant. Aids in grass seed establishment. Releases trapped nutrients, resolves compaction.

Jonathan Green Organics Corn Gluten Lawn Fertilizer With Weed Preventer
All organic corn gluten formula stops weeds before they sprout. Organic fertilizer greens up lawn quickly. Releases naturally occurring substances which inhibit weed seed feeder roots. Prevents crabgrass, dandelions, and over 20 other weeds. Ideal for use on lawns, landscape beds, and in vegetable gardens. Safe for use around children and pets. Comes in an easy to spread granular form.

Every one of these has peaked our interest. And as a matter of fact, my son, Grant has decide to put the Milorganite on his lawn this year. So when you come in for your fertilizer this year, you’ll not only see all the popular brands that you’re use to, but also some interesting options! Do a little research and figure out what’s best for you!

Polar Vortex. I’ve had a number of my customers come in and ask me if I thought that crazy cold week we had a month ago will kill off some of the annoying bugs we have each year. So I did a little digging. The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) said that weather like we had may have killed up to 95% of the stink bugs that didn’t find indoor shelter. They also said that cold could have slowed down the attack of the emerald ash borer.

That all sounds good to me. But everywhere that I checked said that we would have needed it to be another 10° – 15° colder to really do damage to your average outdoor bug. So polar vortex or not, it looks like another regular ‘ole buggy summer!

Dave Umber
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Dave Umber

Dave is the owner of Umber’s Do it Best, which has been a family owned and operated since 1944. Whatever your project needs are, we can help. Stop in today at 2413 Lwr. Huntington Rd. Ft. Wayne, In 46809. Call (260) 747-3866. > More Articles Written By This Writer