There has been a lot of chatter about the Waynedale Tornado Siren around the community lately, and for good reason! Waynedale did have a functioning tornado siren a few years back, but when that siren stopped functioning properly, it was never replaced.
The Waynedale Business Chamber (WBC), comprised of representatives from many of the local businesses, noticed this flaw while pursuing efforts to create a safer community. The WBC then produced and distributed a petition (both online and hardcopy) throughout Waynedale. “We started this petition with the hopes of gathering a general consensus of concern from the residents in the area. The WBC agreed that if we could obtain at least 300 signatures; that would prove to us that this is a common concern for safety among our residents.” stated WBC President; Jordan Cornwell. “These petitions circulated from July 1 to September 1 and to our surprise, gathered an overwhelmingly response of almost 1700 signatures! That truly goes to show that when there is a just cause, the Waynedale residents come out in droves to support their community!” The WBC plans to present the signed petitions to city and county officials for their support and potential funding.
The WBC has now began fundraising for a replacement tornado siren at many of the local businesses with donation buckets. Together we can make an impact for the betterment of our community!
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