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Hills MarketAnyone who has driven down Lower Huntington Road lately will notice big changes at Hill’s Meat Market. A new building, (which will double the size of the existing one), is being built to the east of the existing market.  Current owner, “Chuck” Hill said, “We hoped to open the new store during our 75th Anniversary the weekend after Thanksgiving. Now it seems more likely the grand opening will be closer to February or March of 2016“.

There has been a market in the current building for over 100 years! Lee Hill, a former produce driver, wanted to be with his family more, so he purchased the market in 1940. Lee and his wife lived in the back of the market where he raised 3 boys. The market was turned over to his son Charles and then to his son Charles “Chuck” and is being prepared for “Chuck’s” son, Bryce (age 24), to take over in the next 10 years.

The decision to build a new market was prompted by deterioration of the structure and “Chuck” Hill’s desire to leave his son a market that could be around for a long time.

The 3 current store managers have all been with Hill’s since high school and this will help to make their futures stable as well. At this time there are no plans for new hires, but that could change once the new market is up and running.

“Chuck” Hill said, “The 1.5 million dollar market will have all new equipment. All equipment from the old market will be sold at an auction.” After moving into the new building, the old building will be torn down and made into extra parking. This new parking area should hold approximately 50 cars, and double the space.

Bryce Hill stated, “The new building will be about two times larger, with the area behind the counter growing the most.” This will allow larger freezers, two slicers (instead of currently only one), a smoker and simply more room to prepare the meat. Bryce also said, “There will also be more room for homemade products and client-driven products like, Kobe Beef and specialty cuts of meats.”

Bryce, who graduated from Indiana University but chose to return home to the family business. He will follow Lee, Charles, and “Chuck” Hill in a tradition of providing quality meat and service to our area.

“Chuck” Hill said, “Waynedale has been very good for the market, and I’m hoping this expansion will show we will be around for a long time.”

Allen Shaw
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Allen Shaw

Allen is a lifetime resident of Waynedale. He was declared legally blind in 2013 and at that time he turned to writing and has written many children’s stories, poems and essays. He graduated from Elmhurst High School and was a formal choral director there as well. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer