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Recently I was approached by a friend who inquired if I had thought about getting a will written for myself. As an adult in her late 20s, I looked at my friend like he was crazy! Why in the world would I consider having my will written at such a young age? In reality, it makes sense. I recently bought a home, own a car, and officially have a retirement plan. Adulthood is definitely in full swing.

So, I gave it some serious thought and I decided to go about writing my will in a unique way. I found an attorney who was willing to write my will for free as long as I left a gift to a charity or community organization in my will. Many organizations here in Fort Wayne promote the idea of leaving a legacy by partnering with local attorneys who will trade their legal services for the commitment of a gift made to a deserving and local organization.

Shortly after this, all the paperwork came in the mail for me to work through to make sure that my will was exactly as I wanted it. I sat down to sort through it all and had to pause. What organization in the community was important enough to me that I wanted to donate a portion of my estate to them in my will? Of course my family was included at the top of my list, but I have always been an active volunteer and wanted to consider a deserving organization as well. I weighed a few options and finally came to a conclusion! I have always grown up on the south end of Fort Wayne, and recently purchased my home here in the Waynedale community. Waynedale is the area of town where I live, work, grocery shop, eat out, and volunteer my time. I love this community and after some thought it became obvious that the most logical place for me to consider a gift in my will was right under my nose! THE WAYNEDALE NEWS!

This wonderful, FREE community newspaper is distributed to over 35,000 readers and is accessible all over the Waynedale community. The Waynedale News is a constant advocate for the community, a positive light in the news around us, and a supporter of community events and fundraisers. Its staff are largely involved in community development by volunteering their time in ways that encourage the Waynedale community to grow and develop as a long-standing place for families and business to find a home.

It was decided! I would place The Waynedale News in my will as the organization of my choice to receive a gift from my estate. I am more than happy with my decision and it makes perfect sense! This is just a small way for me to show my appreciation for the work The Waynedale News has done and to congratulate them as they celebrate their 82nd year as an integral part of the Waynedale community.

Young or old, I strongly encourage you to consider having a will written. What a great way to give back to an organization in the Waynedale area that is constantly giving to the community!

— Publisher’s Note: This article was submitted by a community member who wishes to remain anonymous, but who wanted to announce their appreciation for the newspaper and its activities. We thank them for their generosity, as the Waynedale News depends on personal donations in addition to advertising to continue publishing, printing and delivery to all our wonderful our readers in the Waynedale Community.

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