From the Editor-These past few weeks, hundreds of local high school graduates were getting the attention they deserved for a job well done-especially Elmhurst High School grads. Now, these students have boosted their lifelong earning potential and opened doors for themselves despite the turmoil they were put through when they couldn’t graduate from the high school they started school in due to budget cuts and the consequential effect of their school closing its doors.
Sam Zook is a 2011 North Side graduate who organized this class photo in front of the closed Elmhurst High School building that he and his fellow students were not able to graduate from. Sam was the chairman of the Elmhurst Senior’s Council. They negotiated with FWCS throughout the year to receive Elmhurst tassels to wear at graduation, as well as the option to have an Elmhurst seal stamped on their diplomas.
Congratulations to the Class of 2011. You’ve reached a milestone in your life. Many have cheered you on in that journey, especially thais year, and stand ready to cheer you on as you move forward. And so do we here at The Waynedale News, not only congratulate those with the highest grades, but also, congratulate all the graduates and wish you the best.
We worked hard, this year, to do the things we did. Everything about this year, for anyone that was dedicated to Elmhurst, was a challenge. Making it through a single day was a challenge. At one point for me, I lost the will to even get out of bed in the morning, because I failed to see the point. So it wasn’t a solitary struggle. The ones closest to us helped keep us up, and we all had our pillars to lean on—sometimes family, a lot of times each other. We lost track of long-term goals, and focused on making it through the week, so that we were one step closer to making it through the year. But at the end of the day, those short-term goals pieced together to make the whole year worthwhile. At the end of the day, what really mattered was that we still had the drive to make it through, and that we had the people to lean on when we needed help. Because the people that never stopped caring, they were our family, whether they were blood or not.
The last day of school was bittersweet. Somewhere in the struggle of the year, we found friends at each school that we wouldn’t have had otherwise. We found a little bit of pride for the school we went to, simply because we went and made it a better place in our own small way. We will never forget these years, good or bad.
For every Elmhurst student, cherish the memories that we have together. Remember the times that we had. Be fond of these months. Hold dear the last memories that we had together. After today, people will leave. People will move away, and find their lives. And some of them won’t come back. Some of them will never be seen again. So never forget where you come from. But don’t be afraid of the future, or what it holds.
“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. For courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. For now on, you will be walking the line, between who you think you are, and who you can be. The key is to allow yourself to make the journey.”
Trojans forever!
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