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Well, it wasn’t Monday night and it wasn’t football, but it was definitely a party. Hank Williams Jr. fired up the crowd Saturday night at the Fort Wayne Memorial Coliseum October 25, 2008.

The program began about 6:00 PM with Republican State Chairman Murry Clark, who introduced Congressman Mike Pence, who passed the program to Mark Souder who joined with Kendallville Mayor Suzanne Handshoe in the Pledge of Allegiance. Then Christy Stutzman sang the national anthem and it was Hank Jr’s. turn to make some music. After the “Monday Night Football” lead in, Jr. kept the crowd rockin’ with “Born to Boogie,” “All My Rowdy Friends” and “Just a Good Ole Boy.”

Lt. Governor of Indiana, Becky Skillman addressed the crowd and introduced ambassador Dan Coats.

Then it was Sarah Palin’s turn to wow the crowd. She came on stage to a thundering applause and proceeded to pass on the Republican line of lower taxes, less spending and less government.

The Waynedale News Staff
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