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After I wrote the UFO column, in which I saw the strange unexplained lights through the blackness of trees at our lake house, I expected to hear from readers who thought I was nuts. But, amazingly, the readers I have heard from have had their own UFO experiences. I think that because admitting to these sightings, people have been labeled nut cases that they never talk about them, for fear of ridicule. I appreciate those who responded with their own stories, and I am both grateful and respectful. Grateful that thy shared their experiences, and respectful in that I will not be publishing their last names, due to their concern of being labeled as stated above,


The first account is from an executive named Vicki. She writes:

In your column in the July 23rd issue of the WN you invited any Waynedale readers who’ve seen a UFO to contact you. I’ve sighted two UFO’s over Ft. Wayne—the first sighting was approximately ten years ago, and the second was within this past year. Since the behavior of what I saw did not fit normal patterns of airplanes, helicopters, satellites, etc, I can only conclude that these were UFO’s. Here is a brief description of what I saw:

Approximately ten years ago at about 7:pm, I was headed home to Waynedale from the old YWCA. I had just turned south on Broadway from Creighton, and to my left, to the east side of Broadway, a very large and bright light caught my eye. It was just about housetops and treetops—too high and too bright to be a streetlight or spotlight but too low to be a plane. It remained absolutely stationary. As I drove down Broadway, I glanced back and forth between this unusual light and the traffic, and after about a minute of doing this I glanced back up and the light was completely gone. Naysayers will say that what I saw had some simple and logical explanation, but to this day I remain convinced that what I saw was a UFO.


I live at the southwest edge of Waynedale and my bedroom window faces south towards the airport. During the late winter/early spring this past year, at twilight, prior to turning on any lights, I looked out the window and noticed a light similar to the one described in the above paragraph. It was high enough to not be a spotlight, no streetlights are in that direction, and too low to be an airplane. It was completely stationary, so I ruled out a helicopter. After about a minute it moved rapidly straight up and completely disappeared. Its’ movement was far too rapid to be a plane or helicopter and its immediate disappearance was also mysterious. Once again, naysayers will put this off as having some simple and logical explanation, but I do believe this was my second sighting.

This account comes from a pilot named Jerry. He was in the USAF, and after being discharged took a job as a corporate pilot. He had three sightings. They stretch over a period of several years.


Account #1

“I was in High School and had finished basketball practice. I set off from the neighbor’s house with some friends to go to Waterloo for ice cream. On the way back, I looked to the left and saw an orb. I brought it to the attention of my pals who also watched it. It was round without color and maintained the same speed as the car. It was right above the tree line. Then it suddenly took off at a great rate of speed and disappeared. None of us knew what to make of it. We talked about it for a long time.”


Account #2

Sometime in the 80’s I was flying from Sturgis to Fort Wayne at night. Out of the right side of the airplane, an orb with different colored lights came into view. Colored lights orbited the object. My co-pilot was watching as we tried to contact or identify the object. It suddenly took off at an angle so fast that it was gone in seconds. We were able to ascertain by radio contact with the tower that there were no other aircraft in the vicinity in which we were flying. To my knowledge no investigation was initiated.


Account #3

My co-pilot, Dale, and I were en route from Battle Creek to New Jersey. I noted a “blip” on the radar screen. Dale also made note of it and we were concerned, since a “blip” only shows structures, or weather, not other planes. We made contact immediately with our base, which reported no planes, or any other objects in the sky where we were flying. We have an indicator knob, which measures any objects at given distances. The first increment measures objects up to 25 mph. The 2nd measures objects at 25-75-mph. The third at 75-150 mph. At the time we noticed the “blip” we had our indicator set at the lowest speed. The object was cigar shaped, and was moving at such a fast rate of speed that we turned the indicator up to the second sighting distance. It was moving so fast off-scale that we knocked the knob up to the highest detection that we are capable of in that plane. We notified Air Traffic Control, and received a “negative” on any other aircraft in our vicinity. My partner and I calculated our speed, and the estimated speed of the other aircraft. We calculated it to be going at over 1000 mph. To the best of my knowledge no investigation was done.


I believe that many of us have had experiences, seen things that cannot be explained, but, out of self-preservation from ridicule, do not report what we have personally seen. I hope that if you have had strange sightings, you will email me through the Waynedale News and your messages will be forwarded to me. I will print your letters. I think that we will arrive at the truth (someday) when credibility is not questioned or pooh-poohed. We are not nuts. We are people who have seen (sometimes reported) odd and unexplained things. I hope you will feel free to take the opportunity to get theses accounts into print.


Much happiness to my Waynedale friends,



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