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Maplewood Principal Frank Kline would like to invite Waynedale residents and business partners to Maplewood Elementary School for the United Way Day of Caring on August 8th.

Each year United Way of Allen County hosts a Day of Caring, a countywide community service day. Teams from local businesses and organizations head out into the community to paint, rake, spread mulch, pull weeds and have fun in an effort to make our community a little bit better by the end of the day. This year, United Way is focusing on educational organizations, and 38 of the buildings in Fort Wayne Community Schools, including Maplewood School, are among the project sites available for the August 8 event. Teams will be helping to spruce up the buildings before the 2008-09 school year begins by completing some of the work that otherwise wouldn’t get done, such as edging, mulching, cleaning windows and painting outside trim.

Volunteers will be treated to a cookout provided by the Maplewood administration. During the Day of Caring, volunteers can also meet with the Maplewood principal to ask questions about the direction of Maplewood school and other opportunities to get involved with Maplewood students.

We hope the partnerships formed on August 8 will continue beyond just one day. We look forward to our volunteers becoming partners with the school for other projects and events.

If your business, church or organization hasn’t signed up, do it today! Teams can be large or small from 2 to 200 or more. To learn more about the project, visit United Way’s Web site at www.unitedwayallencounty.org/dayofcaring.

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