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On September 8th and 9th the Bishop Luers Cheerleaders were busy helping the Fort Wayne community through service. On the 8th we participated in the Easter Seals and ARC of Allen County’s “Walk With Me” fundraiser. For the past two years the girls have been invited back to make this day special for the participants of the event.

“We do whatever they ask us to!” “From walking with the  families, to cheering on the walkers, to serving food,” said Coach Anita Correll. “The girls get a chance to give back to those less fortunate then themselves and to see that their kindness and a few hours of their time mean the world to others!

We have so enjoyed this event and we are proud  to help out each year and will do so as long as we are asked to.”

One of the cheerleaders summed the day up for her coach before she left. JV Libby Rose said, “My soul feels good.” I can’t think of a more appropriate way to sum it all up.

On the 9th the cheerleaders worked at the Leigh Ann Marie Palmer 13th annual golf outing. This is the 13th year that Luers’ cheerleaders have been involved in this event. Mike and Lisa Palmer approached me (Anita Correll) when I began coaching at Luers to be involved in this event. It is so worth while; the event raises funds for several children’s programs here in Fort Wayne  from SCAN to Erin’s House For Grieving Children to local parks.

“Anything that helps children and will honor the memory of their daughter is what Mike and Lisa Palmer and the LMP Foundation strives for.”

“Being a part of this is so rewarding for me and I know for the girls, we get to  see courage in the face of loss and it teaches us a way to go on.”

The girls worked in shifts beginning at 6:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. They worked on different holes to measure closest to the hole, longest drive, hole in one and so on. We can’t thank the Palmers enough for all they have brought to us over the years. Leigh Ann would have been a sophomore here at Luers and I like to think maybe a cheerleader.

The past 10 years of my life coaching at Luers have been truly remarkable. I have met many people, learned many lessons and coached great young ladies and young men. If there is one thing we learn from giving of ourselves it is that you get so much more in return. So in doing these wonderful service projects I hope to send into the world not just great cheerleaders, but great human beings! I am proud of the girls and all their effort so far this year!

The Waynedale News Staff
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Anita Correll – Bishop Luers High School Cheerleading Coach

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