Local Opinion Editorials


The Washington Post reports there is a new company called BusRadio, that plans to install radio equipment in school buses for the purpose of advertising to school children. These kids obviously will be an innocent audience. The company starts next month as I understand it in Massachusetts. It will start in September and kids as young as five are in the sights of this company.

U.S Senator Byron Dorgon, democrat from North Dakota does not like the idea in the least. “I think it’s absurd, a low-grade form of child abuse, that forces a captive audience to listen to commercial messages. I don’t think parents want it either,” said Dorgan.

Somebody needs to look further into BusRadio—before they start broadcasting to more than 102,000 students. By September 2007 it comes to Indiana as it plans to take its programs national, reaching 1 million students.

What in the world is going on?

Children riding school buses will be forced to listen to the music and commercial ads while on the bus.

We all know the real reason for BusRadio is to make money by capturing the kids and selling them to advertisers.


Why should school children be used to sell commercial advertising. This program needs to be stopped before it is started.

Oh, and speaking of today’s music, the Rand Corporation has a new study linking lyrics in our so called music and a definate increase in sex among the youth.


Here is the gist of the study released Monday: The study presents the strongest evidence yet that sexually degrading lyrics in music encourages adolescents to more quickly initiate sexual intercourse and other sexual activities. The study found that the more time adolescents spend listening to music with sexually degrading lyrics, the more likely they are to initiate intercourse and other sexual activities. This holds true for boys and girls as well as for whites and non-whites, even after accounting for a wide range of other personal and social factors associated with adolescent sexual behavior. Researchers found that only sexually degrading lyrics – many quite graphic and containing numerous obscenities – are related to changes in adolescents’ sexual behavior. These lyrics depict men as sexually insatiable, women as sexual objects, and sexual intercourse as inconsequential. Other songs about sex do not appear to influence youth the same way.

So the long and the short is two-fold. How much will the parents receive to have their kid’s brain washed by the commercials on the bus. Also how long does America permit its youth to be subjected to the sexual garbage deguised as music for the young.

In either case we will pay a price in the future that no one can afford.

The Waynedale News Staff

Greg Patten, Pastor –Skyline Community Church, Winchester Road

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