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“The most important gift you can give to nursing home residents and their caregivers is your time,” said Dave McMahon, Director of Englewood Health and Rehab. “Frequent short visits are highly prized, especially during the holidays. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have much to talk about, even a few minutes of quietly holding hands or walking can bring much joy,” Dave went on to say.


If you’re trying to think up a gift for a friend or family in a nursing home, consider the following ideas from Englewood Health and Rehab on Engle Road in Waynedale:

• Small photo albums.
The kind with one picture on a page, are especially welcome for those with cognitive losses. Create a label for each picture by describing who it is and what they are doing. Caregivers can then “read” the album with the resident.

• Plants and flower arrangements should be small because space is very limited in most facilities. Consider whether the resident will be able to care for the plant or whether a caregiver is able and willing to care for it.

• Residents who are still able to write cards and letters might appreciate a box of varied greeting cards to keep in touch with old friends and family.

• Grandparents will enjoy an audiotape of messages from their grandchildren.

• Artwork from grandchildren is also highly valued.

• Large print books and magazines and those with colorful photos can be a great addition to the commons area of your family member’s care facility.

• Musical tapes or CDs that can be used by everyone are welcome gifts, as are travel videos and movie classics.

• If your family member or friend is unable to enjoy a gift for him or herself, remember the facility. New games, contributions to a fund for a new rocking chair or physical therapy equipment, activity supplies or artwork can brighten the lives of all the caring people who work in the facility.

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