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God has blessed us so with your love, 

The best picture of the year was Going My Way, Judy Garland was singing “This Heart of Mine” on the radio, and Harry Truman served as President. For us, November 3, 1945, was the luckiest day of our lives. That was the day you spoke the words of promise, hope, and a new life together; the day you were married.

Dad provided for the family by working at American Hoist and Derrick until his retirement. Mom was a stay-at-home mom until we were all well into our schooldays. She then took a job at Kekionga School Cafeteria and later at the Green Stamp Store on Brooklyn Avenue.

You taught us the difference between right and wrong and provided a Catholic education for us at Saint Joseph School and Central Catholic High School. You enriched our lives by being part of our Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops. You have spent the last 60 years being there for your four children, nine grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for being dedicated parents, faithful spouses and for the unending sacrifices you have made for your family.

November 3, 1945, your wedding day some 60 years ago, is a day to remember always.

Gratefully, your children,

Carol, Steve, Mary & Patty

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