It is Girl Scout Cookie time once again. On Friday, January 14th Girl Scouts from Adams, Allen, DeKalb, Huntington, Steuben and Wells counties began selling Girl Scout Cookies. The sale will continue through Sunday, March 13th. Cookies will be available immediately from Girl Scouts through Cookies-in-Hand, and order forms will be used for later delivery.
For $3.50 per box, customers can buy all of these favorite Girl Scout Cookie varieties:
Thin Mints, Shortbread, Peanut Butter Patties, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Caramel deLites, Reduced Fat Lemon Pastry Cremes, Animal Treasures, and Pinatas.
The Girl Scout Cookie Program is fortified with character building, with teamwork and leadership skills built right in. It provides incredible opportunities for girls ages 6-17 to acquire business and financial skills, explore the creative worlds of advertising and marketing, and learn about the fun, friendship and power of girls working together. In addition, by following the Girl Scout Promise and Law, Girl Scouts are developing a strong sense of business ethics.
To reward girls for their efforts, Girl Scout troops earn profits from their sales. They can use these profits for activities and community service projects they choose. Girls also earn credits which can be used toward Girl Scout membership and summer camp fees.
“Through the Girl Scout Cookie Program activities, girls are able to practice what it takes to be successful in business. It is exciting to watch girls identify new and innovative ways to reach the goals that they have set,” says Sherri Weidman, CEO, Girl Scouts of Limberlost Council. “This annual program is an important opportunity that allows girls to experience the world of commerce within the safe, supportive Girl Scout environment.”
Girl Scouts of the USA is the world’s pre-eminent organization for girls, with a membership of more than 3.5 million girls and adults. Today, as when founded in 1912, Girl Scouts helps cultivate values, social conscience and self-esteem in young girls while also teaching them critical life skills that will enable them to succeed as adults. In Girl Scouting—-and its special girl-only environment—-girls discover the fun, friendship, and power of girls together. Girl Scouts of Limberlost Council, one of more than 300 councils chartered by Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., administers programs in counties in northeast Indiana.
For the Cookie Central Hotline you may call 496-8740.
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