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Rev. Thomas Dancing Feather EbbingWow! The new year is upon us and it is my birthday month. Yes, I celebrate the whole month.

Why? you may ask. Well, my birthday is the last day of January and I just think it is good and proper and a heck of a lot of fun to have a birthday month. You can do it too. Try it. I guarantee you will like it and it will be a wonderful life changing event.

I love to get birthday cards, don’t you? I will make you a deal. You send me a card for my birthday month and I will send you a card every year on your birthday month.

Do we have a deal?

Stop and think for a moment, how it would be if we celebrated the birth of Jesus for a whole month. Concentrate just on Jesus. Oh my God, is that beautiful or what? Just to say that wonderful name! 

From My Heart,

Rev. Thomas Dancing Feather Ebbing

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Rev. Thomas “Dancing Feather” Ebbing

He was born & raised in Ft. Wayne is of Mohawk Indian ancestry. Dancing Feather is an ordained Christian minister & he have been a teacher of the Native American Medicine Wheel for over 20 years. He writes the "Smoke on the Wind" column in the newspaper. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer