Local Opinion Editorials


We are all entitled to our opinions…no matter how erroneous.

When I was a boy,
My dad was king,
He could do,
Almost anything.

Then in my teens,
It became otherwise.
I grew taller than him
And twice as wise.

But as I aged,
Thru many a summer,
He either got smarter,
Or I got dumber.

The Monologues
Recently, at the Arts United Center, here in Fort Wayne, “The Vagina Monologues,” were featured.
Hell, I didn’t know they could talk!

Do polar bears really think they’re cool?

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Jim Schindler

A graduate of John Carroll University and a successful businessman, the founder/ CEO of Bandido's Mexican restaurants. Jim writes the "Schindler Sez" column in the newspaper. He also authors a series of books of short, true, and humorous stories. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer