The Great Outdoors


Old-Fashioned ‘Bleeding Hearts’ are a favorite spring flower.
It appears that gardening for the 2018 spring season will start a bit slower this year as Mother Nature reminds us she is still in charge! Everyone is ready for color and getting their hands in the soil. We will likely have to extend our patience a bit longer but the daffodils and leaf buds are reminding us that it is still on the way. In the interim, visit your local independent garden centers to get your spring fix.

Your local garden centers are ready to help with your questions to find the right plant for the right place. Some of the ways you can help them to provide you with the appropriate information is to know the following for the areas you want to plant in:
-Hours of direct sunlight in the area and the direction the area faces:
No direct or only dappled light, 2 to 4 hours of sun, half-day of sun (6 hours), more than 6 hours

Is the area soil draining well? Is it on a slope? Do you have an irrigation system?

-Color palette:
What are the colors in the area of your home, accents or plants already there?
What plants are already in this area and approximate sizes? Do you need plants that hold leaves during the winter or can drop their leaves and/or die back to the ground?

Approximately how much space do you have for the plant(s) both in height and width?

Do you have the time to put in some extra time/care or do you need low maintenance?
Another important thing to think about is what do you want in this area? Do you want constant color and blooming (think annuals that must be replanted each season)? Do you want plants that return each year but don’t always bloom the entire season (perennials)? In this case we can help you choose plants with staggered blooming times so that something is in bloom in the area all season long. Are you interested in edible plants? Many vegetables and fruits can be incorporated into landscaping plans. Do you have a lack of (useable) ground space to plant into? Focus on plants for container gardening.

We look forward to helping you choose the right plants to beautify your home and bring you joy. Let us help you bring success to your growing season!

This article is sponsored by McNamara at Sand Point, which has 2 acres of production greenhouses, retail florist and gift shop, as well as retail garden center and wholesale plant business. Contact McNamara by calling 260-747-4131 or visit 4322 DeForest Ave, Ft. Wayne, IN 46809.

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Marla McAfee

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