Quality roads and bridges are a crucial part of a state’s economic success. In recent years, it has become clear that Indiana needs a long-term, sustainable plan to repair, maintain and build our transportation infrastructure.
To address this issue, lawmakers made road funding a top priority during the 2017 legislative session. Our efforts led to the passage of House Enrolled Act 1002, which establishes a new 20-year road funding plan for Indiana. This legislation was guided by the findings of a comprehensive bipartisan study commission that took an in-depth look at our road funding needs and made data-driven recommendation to the General Assembly.
When fully phased in, HEA 1002 will provide Indiana with $1.2 billion per year to take care of the roads we have, finish the projects we have started and plan for our future.
Hoosiers will directly benefit from this plan, as it will create an estimated 13,000 new jobs, save drivers 11 million hours in their vehicles every year by diminishing traffic congestion, increase highway safety, lower the average vehicle repair cost caused by driving on poor roads, and support Indiana’s economic growth.
HEA 1002 reflects a user-fee approach, dedicating all of the taxes paid at the pump to roads over time. User fees are the best option for our state because those who use our roads the most will pay the most and get the most benefit.
Unlike other funding options, this approach also captures dollars from out-of-state drivers who use our roads.Experts estimate that more than 25 percent of the vehicles on Indiana’s roads are from out of state. These vehicles will contribute to the maintenance of our roads through taxes paid at the pump when they fill up in Indiana.
As for Indiana residents, HEA 1002 will cost the average Hoosier driver $5-$6 per month based on a 10-cent gas tax increase and a $15 annual registration fee.
Repairing and maintaining our roads is something we need to address now, not leave for later generations. HEA 1002 is a historic investment in our state’s future and will go into effect in July.
As always, I welcome your input on this topic or others. My office can be reached by phone at 800-382-9467 or by email at
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