During this time of year we shed many tears of joy at the Wayne Township Trustee Office. Our Investigators refer clients to the Allen County Christmas Bureau for assistance; then the Christmas Bureau matches clients with businesses, churches, individuals, organizations and schools who have requested to ‘adopt’ a family for the holiday season. We also assist in the process by working to ensure that the clients receive the items that have been donated to them. The families receive boxes of items such as gifts, food, personal hygiene items, cleaning products, and gift cards. Often when the families see all of the boxes for them, they can hardly believe it. Some cry and we cry with them. We thank the Christmas Bureau volunteers, and the various organizations and individuals who have ‘adopted’ the families, for the joy they have brought to the families and to us.
For five years, Dorothy Tinker has been in charge of referring our clients to the Christmas Bureau and for making sure that the families receive their donated items. Dorothy says, “Seeing the expressions of our families each year as they receive their items has been a heart touching experience for me. To hear some of the stories our families tell is sometimes breathtaking, but this allows me to give them encouraging words. What’s really fulfilling is to see the sincerity of the excitement each client displays. Being able to see someone with so much joy, gave me so much joy in my heart. It is truly a warm feeling to be able to put a smile on someone’s face. Being able to help makes it all worth it.”
Tarra Martin worked with Dorothy this year and she was a huge help. Tarra said, “It was a wonderful feeling. I shared my experience with my family. I was overjoyed; ecstatic; elated. I was raised as an only child, and it was always about me. What am I getting? It felt so good to see the families receive the items. I was saddened when one client told me she could not purchase gifts for her family, but elated that I was helping her with the items she was receiving. I was full. It was great to receive the hugs and words of gratitude from the clients. I had to turn away from one client so that she wouldn’t see me cry. I was so happy that I could be a part of it. I pray that we can continue to be a part of working with the Christmas Bureau year after year, and I pray that I am involved.”
One of our volunteers helping with the Christmas Bureau items, Antonio, said, “It has been a very humble experience and a joyful one; to assist those who help others and bring joy to many children, young, and old. Happy Holidays!”
Here are some quotes about giving: “I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catchers mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.” — Maya Angelou; “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” — Buddha; “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” — Mohammed Ali; “Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference has never tried to fall asleep with a mosquito in the room.” — Christine Todd Whitman; “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” — Mother Teresa.
May you experience the joy of helping or giving to others. Happy Holidays to you from the Wayne Township Office!
Richard A. Stevenson, Sr.
Wayne Township Trustee
- LIVING BELOW THE POVERTY LINE – Voice Of The Township - December 6, 2019
- THE HOLIDAY SEASON IS UPON US – Voice Of The Township - November 22, 2019