MULE BARN – Home Country
The focus group broke up after an hour and a half with laughter and full tummies and hugs and handshakes. Dewey got his tie clip caught on Mrs. Doc’s sweater as she hugged him, but that was his only physical disaster and it was a minor one.
As the small group left the Mule Barn’s private dining room and walked out through the main coffee shop, there were envious glances from the regulars who weren’t asked to participate in figuring out how to increase sales in red wiggler fishing and composting worms. Even cowboy Steve seemed to walk a bit straighter through the café, and he didn’t put his hat back on until he was outside.
After Dewey settled up at the cash register, he and Emily, his girlfriend, vice president in charge of future plans for both Environmental Enrichment Services and Dewey himself, walked out hand- in- hand into the sunshine. Dewey the Accident Prone sells manure and manure by-products to gardeners.
“I thought it went really well, Honey,” Emily said, “didn’t you?”
“That was a great idea you had, Emily. After all, if you want to know what sells worms, ask the people who buy them. I especially liked Doc’s suggestion about the kid with the fishing pole and can of worms being patriotic, American, and … nostalgic?”
“Yes, Dear,” she said, helping Dewey up after he tripped over the curb. “Nostalgic kind of says it all.”
“And we can continue on with that theme for our company, emphasizing worms as the very cornerstone of freedom!”
“Well … let’s work on that one a bit, shall we?”
Watch A Home Country Minute with Slim Randles. Free
- Slim Randles - September 1, 2018
- VISITING DOC – Home Country - August 31, 2018
- COFFEE TIME – Home Country - August 3, 2018