Local Opinion Editorials


Before you say something, ask yourself, “Is this going to make things better?”

The Kitchen
I don’t know if New Jersey’s Governor, Chris Christie, can stand the heat…but he sure as hell can’t get out of the kitchen!

Picture That
I walked out to get the mail this morning and it was colder than a witch’s…well you get the picture.

To Go
The Allen County commissioners approved a 37% sewer rate increase for the Leo-Cedarville District. Boy…it sure is getting expensive to go!

Beating Bieber
Justin Bieber and a friend were caught going 60mph, drag-racing in their high performance cars. Bieber was driving a Lamborghini and his friend a Ferrari. Heck, back in the early 1950s, my buddy Max, some other friends and I, used to drag-race on Highway #224, just outside of Decatur. Heck, if that was the fastest Bieber could do…we’d clean his clock in my Model A Ford or Max’s 55 Chevy.

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Jim Schindler

A graduate of John Carroll University and a successful businessman, the founder/ CEO of Bandido's Mexican restaurants. Jim writes the "Schindler Sez" column in the newspaper. He also authors a series of books of short, true, and humorous stories. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer