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heathers-closet-picOn Thursday February 20th, Heather’s Closet held its fourth event at Bishop Luers. For the first time, this event welcomed a survivor of domestic violence to speak to everyone who attended. The crowd of almost 75 which included girls, boys, parents, and grandparents, listened as Michelle told her story of growing up in a house of domestic violence every day, which led to her being an abusive relationship for several years. She spoke about how the cycle of violence affected her life. She found strength in herself and got out of the abusive relationship and is now thriving with three kids, a wonderful job, and a great husband who treats her very well. After she spoke, girls who attended could shop for formal and semi-formal dresses for only $20. Heather’s Closet sells the dresses in order to get funding to purchase materials for a resource library to educate teens about dating violence. In 2010, Governor Mitch Daniels signed into law Heather’s Law. This legislation requires the Indiana Department of Education to establish model curriculum for dating violence education in the schools. Donations of dresses are being accepted throughout the year at Bishop Luers High School. Monetary donations or gift certificates to bookstores or Amazon are gladly accepted to purchase materials for our resource library. For more information about Heather’s Closet please contact Joni Kuhn at jkuhn@bishopluers.org or Cindy Figel at cfigel@bishopluers.org

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