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Geoff Paddock kicks off the March lectures at the History Center, 302 East Berry, on March 1, speaking at 2 p.m. about Marvella Bayh and the research he has completed and written about her for Traces, a magazine of the Indiana Historical Society.

The event is free and open to the public and is being co-sponsored by the Fort Wayne Area League of Women Voters.

Mrs. Bayh was the first wife of former senator Birch Bayh and the mother of Indiana governor and Senator Evan Bayh. Paddock, who represents the 5th District on the Fort Wayne City Council, was a volunteer for the senior Bayh’s senate campaign.

“She was quite a well-known person in her own right and was well-respected by her work,” said Paddock. Mrs. Bayh died of cancer in 1979 at the age of 46. She was highly regarded for her work on behalf of the American Cancer Society and her advocacy for equal rights for women, according to an article published in the Journal Gazette.

The following day, March 2, Tom Logan will be the featured speaker for the Mather Lecture Series at 2 p.m.
This lecture is also free and open to the public. Logan’s topic is “The Irish in Fort Wayne and How They Came to be Here”.

Logan will highlight some Irish history, including the reasons for so many Irish citizens leaving their country for the United States. He will also examine four separate branches of his family, all of whom made their way from Ireland to Fort Wayne, and how their lives progressed after arriving in Indiana.

Logan, an attorney, is a Fort Wayne native and past president of the Allen County Bar Association as well as the Quest Club.

For more on Allen County and Fort Wayne history, you are encouraged to read the History Center’s blog, “History Center Notes and Queries” which is available at historycenterfw.blogspot.com/ The blog supplements the Mather Lectures and the History Center’s publications such as the “Old Fort News” and provides information for those wishing to know more about our community as they explore the museum and other historical sites in the city and county. New posts to the blog can also be found via the History Center’s Facebook page.

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