Fort Wayne’s History Center is gearing up for a busy September.
•The first activity of the month occurred at the Chief Richardville House on Saturday, September 7 when Dani Tippmann presented Miami Harvest. You can also tour this National Historic Landmark to learn more about the architecture of the house, the history of its owner and Miami Indian culture.
Admission is $7 for adults, $5 for seniors and children, and free to children under 2 years of age as well as History Center members. The Chief Richardville House is located at 5705 Bluffton Road, Fort Wayne.
•Auto Indiana opens September 13. This traveling exhibit by the Indiana Historical Society, made possible by Kroger, reflects the history of the auto industry in Indiana. The History Center will supplement the exhibit with local photos and artifacts.
Regular museum admission of $5 for adults; $3 seniors and students; and free to those 2 and under as well as History Center members applies. Visitors will also have the opportunity to visit the entire museum along with the special exhibit, all for one low price.
•The Barr Street Market, corner of Barr and Wayne Streets, closes for the season on Saturday, September 14. Hours for September 7 and 15 are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. with free admission to the History Center during that time.
•Wednesday, September 18, at 7 p.m. a panel of Miami Indian historians will be featured. Author Helen Frost will be one of the panel members and will be available to autograph her new book “Salt: A Story of Friendship in a Time of War”. Other panelists will be Miami historian George Ironstrack and Miami Cultural Expert Dani Tippmann. This event is free and open to the public.
•September 27, the History Center will host what has been labeled “Fort Wayne’s most unique fundraiser” with the Buffalo Tro at the Chief Richardville House. This dinner under the stars features buffalo steaks cooked in an open fire pit, other regional delicacies, live entertainment and an opportunity to learn more about Chief Richardville, his home and Miami culture.
Tickets are $50 each with all proceeds going to benefit the Heritage Education Fund providing free admission to the History Center for school age children. Deadline for reservations is September 20.
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