Waynedale Business


Bad mouths have broken many a nose.

The Horse & The Ass

My nephew, Dougie, sent me the following quote by Larry Pillow, which he thought was memorable.

“When your horse dies, dismount.”

So in Dougie’s honor, I coined the following phrase.

“When your donkey dies…get off your ass!”

Big John?
I recently read a story in the local newspaper, about a man named John E. _______, who stripped naked while he was going through security at the Portland, (Oregon), International Airport.
But the paper failed to mention that since they now have the bare facts, was he, “Big “John” or “Little Joh.”

A Fashion Lesson for the Ladies
Why in the heck do today’s women let the emaciated models, who look like walking skeletons, dictate what’s fashionable? I can’t think of anything less attractive than a skeleton covered with skin. In my opinion, most men prefer woman with soft curves. If you think I’m full of it, just visualize what the starving people in the third world countries look like.

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Jim Schindler

A graduate of John Carroll University and a successful businessman, the founder/ CEO of Bandido's Mexican restaurants. Jim writes the "Schindler Sez" column in the newspaper. He also authors a series of books of short, true, and humorous stories. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer