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COYOTES IN WAYNEDALEWe hear them howling on occasional in the Waynedale area just south of Lower Huntington Road near the RiverGreenway, off of Ardmore. They appear to look like a wolf slinking through the cornfields at dusk and at night crossing the road. Yes, it’s a coyote.
There have been several sightings of coyotes in the Waynedale and southwest areas of Fort Wayne, according to Indiana Conservation Officer John Salb. They are not just in our wooded areas but also in residential areas. In addition, an area veterinarian also reported that they have received a large amount of calls about pets that have recently suffered injuries sustained by coyote attacks.
Officer Salb said, “We have had reports on coyotes praying on small dogs and cats. It would be a good idea if you have a small pet to not let the animal out at night, or at least watch over them. Make sure you have your porch lights on.”
According to a DNR website one of the reasons for more sightings is that February is their mating season. Another may be snow cover. The brown coat of a coyote in motion can be seen more easily against a white backdrop.
It is not likely that they are hunting people, however cats and dogs are on their menu as well as turkey, rabbits and rodents. Documented human-coyote conflicts are extremely rare but if you encounter a coyote slowly back away and they will too. They are a curious animal but are easily frightened by a sound or a flash of light, like a porch light.
The DNR controls the population of coyotes primarily by a regulated hunting and trapping season, which runs from October 15 through March 15. A hunting or trapping license is required, unless the individual is hunting or trapping on land that he or she owns. In addition, Indiana law allows landowners, or a person with written permission of a landowner, to take coyotes year-round on private property.

Cindy Cornwell

Cindy Cornwell

She started her newspaper career over 10 years ago beginning as a sales executive, progressing as copy editor, graphic and paper designer, and former Executive Editor. She enjoys writing about the great place to live, shop, work and play; Waynedale. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer