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Rev. Thomas Dancing FeatherPRETTY EASY


Yes, it is pretty easy to have faith and a smile on our faces when there is a gentle breeze, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and everything is in balance and harmony.

Well, how about when the storms of life come rushing in? We need some tools to cope. We are sure to be tested about our faith.

Some of us will pass the test and will help others along the way.

Let us pray and prepare for the exam.

Recess is over.

See you at graduation, so help me you will.

God bless us one

and all.

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Rev. Thomas “Dancing Feather” Ebbing

He was born & raised in Ft. Wayne is of Mohawk Indian ancestry. Dancing Feather is an ordained Christian minister & he have been a teacher of the Native American Medicine Wheel for over 20 years. He writes the "Smoke on the Wind" column in the newspaper. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer