Original Leisure & Entertainment


Part Two

Finding a Cave

The next day the boys arrived at the shack sharply at one o’clock with shovels and drinks. After a swig of pop, they proceeded down the bank of the river.

“Hey lookie over here, Lance. Isn’t that an arrowhead?”

They washed it off.

“Sure enough, Tommy. And look, here are two more.”

The boys were really getting excited. In the past the two boys had found some other things among the frogs, snails, snakes, and just plain throw away junk but never arrowheads.

A bit later they found what looked like a tomahawk stone and colorful beads. All at once Tommy said, “I gotta go and he did what all boys do, he ran into the woods.”

As Tommy was returning to Lance through the undergrowth, tress and bushes to reach the bank, his eyes were drawn up on the bank to some bushes. Tree roots and tall grass obscured what appeared to be a dark opening behind a toppled tree, tall grass and overhanging with brush. He went over to it, pushed back the grasses and, sure enough, there was an opening but he couldn’t see in.

“Hey Lance, come up and look at this!”

Lance was beginning to wonder where Tommy went since he was gone so long. “Tommy, where are you?”

“I’m up here. Lance, come quickly and check this out.”

“Where exactly are you?”

“I’m over here by the top of the bank to your right.”

Lance finally saw him and jogged up to him. “What did you find, man?

“Look at this opening.”

They cleared more brush away and discovered they were staring at a cave opening. The two crawled in a bit and saw nothing since it was pitch black…at least at first. Soon their eyes got used to the dark, Tommy noticed way in the cave, a light shown on a cave wall from above.

“Strange,” said Lance. “It must be deep in the cave.” Then as they watched, a shadow of what looked like a man appeared on the wall and it moved!

It didn’t take the guys a minute to crawl back out. They looked at each other and said together, ”Let’s get out of here!”

They must have run without stopping until they found a grassy spot where they flopped down exhausted.

“What was that all about?” Tommy gasped all out of breath.

“I don’t know, Tommy. What do you think?”

“Well, we sure found a cave but what the moving shadow was I don’t know.”

“What are we scardicats or something? We never gave up exploring before. I think we should go back!”

“Lance are you nuts? We could be threatened or worse yet killed.”

“Oh come on, we only saw a shadow on a wall.”

“And it was moving! OK (reluctantly)”

“That’s the spirit!” added Lance cheerily.

“I think we’ve had enough exploring today,” said Tommy shakily.

“Lets give it a go tomorrow but bring our flashlights this time.

“Good deal… one o’clock?

“Yep.” And they left for home.

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Hal Vizino

A resident of Winterset Neighborhood Association, he is excellent artist & story teller. Hal author's a children's column in the newspaper. He became interested in writing children's stories and dedicating them to his four granddaughters. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer