Waynedale Political Commentaries


Our 2008 Healthy Cities Health Fair and Veterans’ Stand Down, our biggest event of the year, is behind us now. The event was on October 24 at our office.

In spite of the rain, we served hundreds of uninsured and underinsured persons, as well as Veterans with free health screenings, health care, winter clothing and many other services. I am in awe of all the volunteers and organizations who donate time, materials and money to help those in need.

So many businesses, civic organizations and individuals brought in coats for our coat drive. We received at least 1,000 coats to help those in need keep warm this winter. Some people brought in brand new coats they had purchased and walked away saying they didn’t even want a thank you for their contributions.

I hesitate to single out any one organization as there were so many that donated. But, I can’t resist complimenting Boy Scout Troup #58. These young men collected and delivered to our office 27 boxes, over 300 coats for the coat drive.

I am very proud of the generosity of our community. We had two musicians, Cathy Serrano and Michael Patterson who donate their time to entertain over the lunch hour.

The three coordinators for the event, Nila Reimer and Jane Dannhausen from the IPFW School of Nursing and Nancy Mann with the IPFW Dental Education Program, did an outstanding job of organizing. The Coordinator for the Township, Porsche Williams, and the Township staff also did an exceptional job.

An event offering free health care services is very important during times when the economy is down and more and more Wayne Township residents are without insurance.

Wayne Township also participated this month as a host site for a class, “How to Apply for Economic Stimulus Payment.” Many eligible residents had not yet applied for their stimulus checks, and this was an opportunity for them to get help with the application before the deadline of October 15.

I am looking forward to participating again this year in the “Flavor of Fall” fundraiser for the Brenda Hanchar Foundation. The event will be from 4 to 7 p.m. on November 6 at the Baker Street Train Station. The Township will be cooking up its famous and hot, Wayne Township Chili, which won the contest last year for the best soup.

Be sure to come to sample and VOTE FOR WAYNE TOWNSHIP CHILI. Admission is free and you vote with your dollars for the best soup (mine). The “Flavor of Fall” is a lot of fun for a good cause.

I would be remiss if I did not mention in this column Election Day. One of the most important rights we have as Americans is the right to vote. Please exercise that precious right by voting on Tuesday.


Richard A. Stevenson, Sr.
Wayne Township Trustee

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Richard A. Stevenson, Sr.

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