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Zoning professional Michelle Wood explains the proposed re-zoning area in the Bluffton Road-St. Louis Ave. area of Waynedale.
Zoning professional Michelle Wood explains the proposed re-zoning area in the Bluffton Road-St. Louis Ave. area of Waynedale.
Waynedale Concerned Citizens Opposition to Rezoning at 7500 Bluffton Road


Thursday, April 10, 2008 a meeting was held at the Waynedale Community Center. Local residents gathered to discuss the proposed re-zoning of a piece of land at 7500 Bluffton Road. The small piece of land needs to be re-zoned in order to provide access from Bluffton Road to the newly proposed seven building, eighty-seven unit apartments that have yet to be built.

Beulah Stoker of the Waynedale Neighborhood Association presided over the meeting allowing each person to voice their concerns, both for and against, the rezoning proposition. There were about 60 people in attendance, most of which had concerns about the safety of allowing another entrance onto Bluffton Road at a spot that has recorded 102 accidents over a two year period.

One of the local residents that spoke against the zoning was John Adamonis. He lives near the busy intersection and has had to replace his mailbox every year due to traffic accidents.

Marge Johnson, a resident from the Elmhurst Neighborhood Association spoke in favor of the re-zoning. She felt it would help the economy as well as be an improvement over what are now just some empty lots. Marge’s statement brought a large murmur of negative responses, but a few raps of the gavel from Stoker quieted the crowd.

Another resident said that she had been informed of the apartment zoning before she purchased her place and that complaining after the fact would be like moving into an airport flyover zone and then complaining about the noise.

The developer, Mark Heller of Heller Development LLC, fielded questions towards the end of the meeting. He explained that this was to be an investment aimed at providing excellent housing to provide quality living for senior citizens. The developer felt that they had followed all that was asked of them in preparing their plans for the project. He stated that evaluating the traffic problem was something the Zoning Board had researched and they made their decision based of the findings of their engineers.

Also in attendance was Fourth District Councilman Mitch Harper, Councilman at Large Marty Bender and members of the zoning board. The meeting gave many of the residents a chance to voice their concerns and also to dispel rumors as to the safety and direction of the proposed project. The final say on the zoning of the proposed exit and entrance to the apartment complex will be decided at the next City Council Meeting.

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