This fall, Pleasant Center Elementary School will welcome new principal, Dianna Chadd. With time and care, Chadd hopes to make Pleasant Center all the more pleasant.
Since childhood, her career goals were much less ambitious. “I played school teacher under the stairs with my siblings, and I was going to be a teacher forever,” said Chadd. “It’s just the perfect little grade, they’re not too peer oriented, but they’re not too ‘you have to do every little basic thing.'”
Due to her husband’s career in the military, Chadd and her family often moved from place to place before finally settling in Fort Wayne about ten years ago. She tried home schooling, substitute teaching, and other teaching endeavors, all the while hoping to have her own regular classroom. She finally was able to settle down and teach first and fourth grade, but was still searching for her niche.
In addition to her love of teaching, she grew fond of the faculty. “I fell in love with the adult part too,” she said.
Noticing her skills in guidance, her colleagues convinced her to try for more leadership positions. “The principal part evolved a little later,” said Chadd, “It was almost like a Godly nudge.”
Despite her masters in elementary education from IPFW, she also had to attain a masters in administration before qualifying for a principal position. Chadd spent two years at Indiana Wesleyan College taking mostly Saturday classes. With graduation within her grasp, Chadd was first required to pass a six-hour writing exam (at her own expense), testing her ability to deal with various scenarios. Once she passed this, she was able to submit to the state for her Principal Licensure. She then worked as an administrative intern (which resembles the role of an assistant principal) elsewhere before then coming to stay at Pleasant Center. Chadd is no stranger to her school. While the former principal was acclimating himself to his new place of business, she undertook the duties of the position she would soon take on.
Now that Pleasant Center has chosen her, hopes for the future are high. “I still see myself being a leader for another 20 years probably. It would be absolutely okay with me if this is the school I kept staying with,” said Chadd.
It seems that she makes the one-on-one experience with students her top priority. Changing the way students view authority figures could be an objective. “The principal role has changed a lot, I don’t want kids to be afraid to come to me,” she said. “I want to be in classrooms, I want to sit down and learn with them.”
Overall, Chadd’s experience thus far has been a good one. “This school is a very unique blessing to this district; it has a very warm community feel…I have a lot of good things to work with here.”
It is hoped that Chadd, along with students and faculty, will have a knowledgeable and exciting school year.
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